As little miss snot-face got all teary and sad, the judge sentenced her to 45-days in jail for violating her probation for knowingly driving without a license.
It's about time that Hilton was given what she deserves—well, a small fraction of what she deserves, at least—and is thrown in jail. Reporters were saying that throughout the hearing, Paris wasn't taking it seriously and was seeking to be placed above the law.
You know what her defence was? "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to drive."
It's her own fault if she refuses to listen to people when they talk to her and tell her stuff. Just for that, she should be given even more time.
The judge said "In my opinion, there's not doubt that she knew that her license had been suspended. She doesn't look at her mail, her personal assistant never goes through it either. ... I think she just wanted to disregard everything that was said and continued to drive no matter what."
Paris' mom even yelled at the judge after the ruling, calling him "pathetic". You know what is pathetic? A 26 year who thinks they're a celebrity, rules don't apply to them, can't take care of them self, and the world revolves around them just because their dad has a successful hotel chain. That's quite pathetic.
When I first heard about this, me and my friends were joking around, saying that "oh, they must have finally outlawed stupidity." But if that were the case, she definitely would've gotten more than 45 days. She probably would've been given the chair. Or worse. They'd have to invent a new punishment just for her. Hey, here's an idea. They could crucify her and make it into a reality show. She likes being on TV, right?