Basically, Stephen Harper doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between a lie and a promise. To help him out a bit, I had this interview with a specialist in the area, 5-year-old little Billy from kindergarten.
"So, Billy, do you know what the difference between a lie and a promise is?"
"Yes. A promise is when you say something and you got to do it no matter what. And a lie is when you say something that isn't true."
Very good Billy. Hear that Harper? They're not the same.
This is all because Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams placed a pile of ads in newspapers across Canada. The ads quoted various "promises" made by Stephen Harper during the last election, and then contrasted these statements with what actually unfolded in the recent budget. In big bold letters, the ad quotes Stephen Harper as saying "there is no greater fraud than a promise not kept."
Despite the full page ad, stuffed full of promises broken by Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister still says he has done nothing wrong. He doesn't feel he has broken any promise.
The odd part about this whole thing, is that Danny Williams seems somewhat surprised at the whole thing... as if he expected a politician to keep his promise. Danny Williams threatened Harper long ago, saying that if he didn't keep his promise, Newfoundland would deliver a "goose egg" for the Tories in the next election. Although it is quite possible that this will happen, Harper doesn't care. Newfoundland has 7 seats. It's "only" Newfoundland to Harper... we don't need any particular attention. Seriously Danny, who do you think we are? Alberta?
My sentiments exactly, and I would say most Newfoundlanders. Oh Harper.
See, the problem is that "Little Billy" is a 5 year old, while politicians often act much less mature than that.
Well.. then I'll nominate little Billy for Prime Minister...
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