George Bush has taken a lot of heat for stupid thing he has said during speeches. But his fumble on attempting to say "the United States offers an apology" was just hilarious. The president pronounced "apology" as "apple-oggy". After a momentary pause, sensing that something wasn't right, he corrected himself. There were a few chuckles from the crowd.
I found it funny, but in all fairness, Canadians really can't say too much. After all, one of the longest serving Prime Ministers, Jean Cretien, could barely string together three correctly pronounced words. Moral of the story is that you don't have to be a good speaker to be a world leader. Don't even need to be smart.
Well in Jean Chretien's defence he's suffered from Bell's Palsy since he was little, and he speaks two languages.
George Dubya is some alcoholic hick from Texas who stole two elections with help from Daddy's friends. It's not really a fair comparison.
A good point. Chretien would strangle you if he heard that...
True true. Chretien does have a pretty good excuse. Bush's is just... "I'm dumb". Whatever works.
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