Deep sea researchers have discovered twelve new species of ocean life in the deepest part of the ocean, near the Bermuda Triangle. We've all seen the crazy looking fish with the lanterns dangling from their heads that come from the deep sea, but before, researchers have only gone 1 000 meters below the ocean for research. But this time, they went deeper, way deeper. Four kilometers deeper actually. Among the new species they've found are a glowing pink octopus looking creature, an 11 meter long toothy fish which they're temporarily naming "the great swallower" (maybe related to Pam Anderson, ha... ha...), and (in the picture to the left) a transparent creature which may be related to squid and expels excess energy as light instead of as heat like mammals do.
The interesting thing about this discovery, is that the animals are large. Most of those crazy looking fish from 1 000 meters down were small, and all other life at that depth was microscopic organisms. So why are there bigger things, huge things actually, like that 11 meter long fish, living significantly deeper down where the pressure is significantly stronger. This is among the piles of questions that the researchers are going to try to answer before their research ends in 2010.
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