Personally, I think it takes a lot of guts to promote your competitors. When Nintendo gave up on the Game Cube shortly after its release, it fell onto the backburner of most gamers minds. Sony, on the other hand, went all out in promoting and improving their PS2 and making sure that quality games were being released regularly for it, something Nintendo seriously needs to focus on. Although Nintendo is optimistic about the Wii, and it may even be the better system, it would still be a surprise if the Wii had higher sales than the PS3, simply because Sony has proved that it is serious about making a lot of games, a good quality games, whereas Nintendo severely fell behind last round.
Either way, I am pumped for Wii. Just those controllers make it worth buying.
please email me I have a questionon Nintendo wii
Say wah? Could you link to the article you got this from please? I can't believe that Sony is activly promoting someone else's product that will compete directly with one of their top products.
They're not so much promoting it as just saying that gamers should buy a Wii in addition to a PS3, instead of an XBox 360 in addition to the PS3. Like don't expect to see any Nintendo commercials sponsered by Sony or anything.
since it's launch on November 19th the Wii has outsold all other gaming systems combined.
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