To any animal rights weirdos who may be reading this, I don't care what you think. Do you know how long a mouse survives in the wild? Not long. Rarely no more than two weeks. That's why they breed so bloody fast. They'll be swooped up and eaten by a bird or a million other predators sometimes just days after they're born... and they die having served no purpose. But I give them a purpose. Without my job, their lives would have no meaning. They may have saved your life you know. When you sit down to dinner, you don't stress out before you chomp into your food. You don't constantly wonder whether or not you'll die from whatever it is you're about to eat. That's because people like me have tested it and made sure it's safe for you, by injecting it into mice. So, if you think testing on animals is wrong, bite me. Go out and hunt your own food, grow your own farm or whatever. Because whatever you're buying at the store, especially anything imported in, has been tested.
Personally, I think a few dead rodents that would've been eaten by predators or exterminated otherwise is a small price to pay in order to keep humans from dieing and saving what's left of the crippled Newfoundland fishery from costly lawsuits from exporting toxin products. So Paul McCartney, Heather Mills, Hilary Duff, and all you other hypocritical animal loving losers... I'm going to kill close to a hundred mice next week. And you know what? The Canadian government will pay me to do it. So ha!
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