Friday, March 31, 2006
Got Milk? You better not!

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Fortress Customer Experience
7:57 AM
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Is That... Willie Nelson?

Wow, I could hardly tell the difference between this guy are the real Willie. Yeah right. Unless Willie Nelson fell asleep in some of that Oil of Olay "look ten years younger" cream. He got the whole braids thing on the go, but his face looks nothing like him. But all things considered, this ain't a bad job. Maybe it's Willie Nelson from 600 years ago. This guy won the contest, by the way.
What a slow news day. The provincial budget was announced today... but nobody really cares.
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Fortress Customer Experience
7:19 PM
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Grab your Berets!

Looks like Newfoundland is going to get a lot more artsy-fartsy and a lot more cultured. As if The Rooms and all this crap the CBC has on isn't enough culture for us already. Danny Williams announced yesterday that they government would be spending 17.5 MILLION dollars on art and culture. Yes, that's right. This, a province in debt, and we're going to spend money on painting easles, restoring broken water jugs from the 15th century, bongo drums, and people stalking around a dim lit room with a blanket over their head trying to be "symbolic". If culture was that important and valued by the community, then it wouldn't need all this government funding to survive. If people liked the culture and whatnot, they'd keep it going themselves. Like Dr. Ian Malcolm said in Jurassic Park, "they had their shot, but nature selected them for extinction." Why waste so much money trying to bring it back?
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Fortress Customer Experience
7:05 PM
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
One Long Year

It was one year ago today that 15 year old Matthew Churchill of Portugal Cove was killed in a hit and run accident.
He was walking with some friends along Bauline Line when he was hit by a car. He was taken to hospital, but there was nothing that could be done. He died shortly after.
But this great young man is certainly not forgotten. His parents have set up a website (www.matthewchurchill.ca) and memorial fund in his honor. The fund is for three scholarships that will be handed out each year. One is $100 award named The Matthew R. Churchill Grade 6 Award, shall be awarded to a Grade 6 student at Beachy Cove Elementary School. A $200 award named The Matthew R. Churchill Grade 9 Industry Award shall be awarded to a Grade 9 student at Leary’s Brook Junior High School. A $300 award named The Matthew R. Churchill Grade 12 Award shall be awarded to a Grade 12 student at Prince of Wales Collegiate Senior High School, and an additional fourth scholarship for post-secondary entrance. You can donate to this fund via the website given above.
But besides the fund and the website, there are many other tributes to Matthew. Tournaments were named in his honor, students wear wristbands of his favorite colours with his name printed on them, and his former band (Zero Tolerance) wrote songs about him and there are piles and piles of poetry and letters written of memories that people have had with him.
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Fortress Customer Experience
7:48 PM
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Oh no, not anther one. Yes, the parade of celebrities looking to have their name printed in the papers by protesting the seal hunt grows bigger. A lot bigger. Two big boobs bigger.
Yes, Canada's own Pamala Anderson has jumped on the bang wagon and wrote Prime Minister Stephen Harper a letter with the opening lines "As a proud Canadian who frequently travels abroad, I am alarmed that people are starting to see us as a country more beholden to a pack of greedy hunters and the seal skin fashion whims of a few countries than attentive to the massive international outcry against such a barbaric activity."
Barbaric? Hang on now, I sure hope she doesn't think by quoting Heather Mills McCartney that people are going to think she's cool. The seal hunt is not barbaric. Heather Mills McCartney thinks it is because somebody told her that the hunters use clubs, which they do not. They use rifles, like any other hunter. Do people call moose hunters barbaric for shooting a moose with a rifle? No, because moose aren't cute, cuddly animals. But even that's a weak argument, because it's not the white, cute cuddly seals that are hunted anyways. They only go after the big, fat, grey, ugly ones. But the McCartney's will never admit to that. And sure it seems a lot more graphic than shooting a moose, because, well, blood doesn't show up all that well against the foilage of a forest. But red seal blood... on white snow and ice. That shows up well.
Ya know what's a lot more barbaric than shooting a seal? Catching a fish. Think about it... if you have a choice of how you'd be killed, would you rather be shot, quick and painless... or have a hook stabbed through your face and then left to suffocate? But again, the McCartneys and other celebrities will never boycot TSN for showing sport fishing, because fish are not cute and cuddly.
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Fortress Customer Experience
6:31 PM
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Nintendo Revolution: Works with Genesis

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Fortress Customer Experience
3:08 PM
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Seal Hunt Protesters Get Ass Rammed

So the seal hunt began Saturday morning, and, as always, the protesters were just as ready as the seal hunters themselves. They were there with their taunts, insults, and video cameras. And the seal hunters finally took a stand. About time! The police sure does nothing to stop these protesters from bothering the hunters, so they have to take matters into their own hands. How would you like it if somebody came into your office or where ever you work, and starting yelling at your and heckling you all day? You'd get pretty pissed.
Now, the government does have laws in place against these protesters. They're allowed to watch, but have to stay at a distance of at least ten meters away. The protesters violated that space, but since there's no police to enforce the law, what can be done? Well, the seal hunters threw some seal intestines at them. Proper thing I say! However, the protesters were arrested on Sunday by fishery officials. They argued by saying that the seals rammed their boat; an argument that doesn't hold water. The fishermen own their boat and any repairs that have to be made to them comes right out of their profits. Again, to the office analogy, that's like when you have that person there heckling you, you get them to go away by smashing your computer over their head. Sure, they leave. But now you have to spend $1000 to get a new computer.
But perhaps they did ram them. After all, they're cruel barbaric savages... right Sir Paul?
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Fortress Customer Experience
10:23 PM
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Habs and Leafs Rematch

Ok, I screwed up. I reported that on Wednesday, the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadians met for the final time this season (The Bad Guys Win) . This, in fact, was only theird second last meeting. Saturday, March 25th, is the actual last time. And, I'm sorry to say, that the Leafs got hammered again by Montreal.
Seems to me like the Leafs just don't want to make the playoffs. I mean, they're not a terrible team. They got guys who can score (Sundin, Kaberle, McCabe, and even Tucker on certain nights), and in net they have the legendary Ed Belfore, and Mikael Tellqvist, who both have had horrible seasons. Sure they got rid of some of their best players (Gary Roberts, Joe Nieuwendyk, and Alexander Mogilny), but it's still no excuse for the incredibly aweful season they've had. Usually they wait until the playoffs to give up. This year they've started early.
Oh well. As they say in Toronto, there's always next year.
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Fortress Customer Experience
12:31 AM
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Remember Jason Greely?

Until tonight.
Jason popped up tonight on the CBC news. He claims that he didn't enjoy being the center of attention and hated not being able to walk out into public without anyone noticing him. He claimed to be so relieved to have the spotlight off him and just be an ordinary Joe again. Did I buy any of that crap he was saying? Not a word. If he was content with settling back into an ordinary life, then why is he back on the news reminding people that he exsists? I've only seen the guy once, at the Klondyke festival last summer, but he sounded so full of himself.
He was the opening act, and said to the crowd that he was "sure that everyone has been requesting [his] song on the radio stations." This attention craver has been at it for a while apparently. Even before his Idol apparence, according to people who knew him before, he was still big headed and always looking for people to love him.
No dice.
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Fortress Customer Experience
11:12 PM
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The Bad Guys Win

Who says the good guys always win? Last night, Toronto played Montreal for the final time this season, and it was possibly Toronto's last stab at making the post season. The Leafs have been handing Montreal its ass over and over so far this season, but not so last night.
The Canadians smacked Toronto with a score of 5-1 which is most definatly the end of Toronto's playoff dreams for this year.
And, to top it all off, Leaf's goldtender, Ed Belfore, was placed on in the injured list, ending his season early... and perhaps ending his career, at least in Toronto.
Montreal is now just one point back from the Atlanta Thrashers for the 8th and final playoff spot in the eastern conference.
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Fortress Customer Experience
7:53 AM
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Rex The Sex

Last night was his second show at Mile One stadium. Another sold out show, cept this time people had to endure Canadian Idol winner Melissa O'Neil for a bit too. She played some mixture of screaming, and baby sounding songs... and then, to the delight of the 6000 people in the stadium, Rex made his entrance to the stage... to the sound of, none other than, the Imperial March. After playing some of his own songs, and a few classics like "Turn The Page", by Bob Seger, and "No Suger Tonight", by The Guess Who, he left the stage... assuming the night was over. Then, in a panic, he rushed back, and exclaimed, "Woah, wait a minute b'ys, we forgot to sing the ode to Newfoundland. Can't be forgetting that. This is a hockey stadium, afterall."
So, although Melissa was painful to listen to at times, and Rex's little stories from living around the bay he threw in between songs were a bit hard to comprehend through his accent, it wasn't all that terrible. It's good to see that Rex didn't sell out to the pop industry and stuck with good ol' rock. I still don't understand why he's so sexy though...

I laughed a little when they came back for Rex's set, one changed into an AD-DC shirt, another into one with a skull and cross bones. Yarr... now they be hardcore.
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Fortress Customer Experience
12:57 PM
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Playoffs for the Fog Devils

But the mascot wasn't the only downer with the beginning of this new team. They also lost 8 of their first 9 games. After winning that first game at home, everyone thought, "hey maybe these guys will be good." But then everyone lost hope and lost interest when they lost the next 8 game after that. Then, after winning a second game, went on another 5 game losing skid.
But, despite it all, they managed to scrape their way into the playoffs, and are facing a team in the first round who they did decently well against all season long.
So, despite the bad team name, bad logo, bad mascot, atrocious record for the first couple months... this team ain't all that bad after all. They start to grow on you I guess... kinda like cancer.
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Fortress Customer Experience
6:58 PM
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Poking Holes = Bad
A couple of weeks ago, people around St. John's were shocked when a girl went home from school feeling sick, and ended up passing away a few hours later. This mother of two children who went to Booth Memorial High School had recently gotten a body piercing which got infected, causing toxic shock which killed her.
Now, I may poke a lot of fun in my blogs, but no, I am not going to make fun of this girl. That's cruel. But I AM going to make fun of the health minister in this province, who gave some incredibly insightful information the other day: "poking holes in your skin can cause infection."
I'll wait for you to get over the shock of that... ok that's more than enough time. Yes, this brilliant health minister apparently thought it necessary to say that if you jab a piece of metal, no matter how sterile, through your skin, it can allow bacteria to get inside you. Wonderful advice. The other part of the health minister's speach was her advice to the school age children: "If you want to get a body piercing... don't do it!"
I laughed when I heard that. An old lady telling all these rebelleous school kids not to do something... if anything, I think she may have inspired some to go do it. Sure everyone wants to be a rebel these days. Isn't that MTV's theme now? If that lady really wanted to discourage kids form getting a body piercing, she should've showed them her stomach with a big ol' dirty navel ring in it. Old lady with a body piercing... I'm sure all the cool kids will want to be just like her.
Now, I may poke a lot of fun in my blogs, but no, I am not going to make fun of this girl. That's cruel. But I AM going to make fun of the health minister in this province, who gave some incredibly insightful information the other day: "poking holes in your skin can cause infection."
I'll wait for you to get over the shock of that... ok that's more than enough time. Yes, this brilliant health minister apparently thought it necessary to say that if you jab a piece of metal, no matter how sterile, through your skin, it can allow bacteria to get inside you. Wonderful advice. The other part of the health minister's speach was her advice to the school age children: "If you want to get a body piercing... don't do it!"
I laughed when I heard that. An old lady telling all these rebelleous school kids not to do something... if anything, I think she may have inspired some to go do it. Sure everyone wants to be a rebel these days. Isn't that MTV's theme now? If that lady really wanted to discourage kids form getting a body piercing, she should've showed them her stomach with a big ol' dirty navel ring in it. Old lady with a body piercing... I'm sure all the cool kids will want to be just like her.
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Fortress Customer Experience
6:54 PM
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Eight days. Seventeen draws. Twelve teams. And a lot of TV watching for me. Ah yes, the Brier finals are here, and it's the third match up between Ontario's Glenn Howard and Quebec's Jean-Michel Menard in the tournament.
They first played in the round robin, where Ontario won. Then they met again in the One-Two page playoff game. Which Ontario also won. But hey, third time's a charm right?
Well, here's how the final match went down. Quebec got off to a great start, stealing a point in the first end and then shocking everyone by stealing a massive three points in the second. But Howard isn't the type to just give up after two ends. He battled back to take a deuce in the third and fith to head into the fifth end break, trailing by only a single point.
But tonight, it just wasn't enough. That 10-1 record in the round robin and two previous win against this Quebec team all means squat tonight as Glenn Howard's team crumbled at the hands of a very sharp Quebec team, losing 8-7. This is Quebec's first Brier win since 1977 when it was won by Jim Ursel.
So yes, I know I made a lot of jokes about those "Quebec fans", but who's laughing now! Both of the Quebec fans! We'll be seeing Jean-Michel Menard and Quebec team at the Worlds in Lowell, Massachusetts on April 1. Yes, Quebec at the world curling championship. That's no April fools joke.
Glenn Howard waves to the crowd after losing the Brier final, 8-7, to Jean-Michel Menard of Quebec. |
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Fortress Customer Experience
11:50 PM
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Throwing it to the Pigs

So, this guy, Jakub Fik, in Chicago was out during a rampage Wednesday morning, and when confronted by police officers, he (yes, you know what's coming) chopped off his own manhood, and threw it at the officers. As if this poor, poor, crazy man hadn't been through enough... the police tasered him! Think having your junk cut off is the worst pain a man can experience? Nope. Chopping off your junk and then getting tasered. I'm sure that's much worse.
So here's what happened. Basically, this guy was going around town bashing out car windows. Just for fun. Then when the cops are called, he breaks into somebody's house. The cops are waiting for him in front of the house when he comes out... naked....and bleeding... and carrying a bunch of knives. He then starts throwing the knives at the police, and once he runs out of knives, he heaves his dick at them.
I've seen some crazy stuff in my days. Hell, even I've been weird and perhaps came across as if I have something seriously wrong with my mind... but never, ever in all my life have I heard of somebody so severely screwed up as this weirdo.
I wonder how he'll explain this one in the prison shower...
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Fortress Customer Experience
1:20 AM
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Semi-Final Saturday
The Brier's nearly over for another year.
A few days ago, I was pretty pissed that Kevin Martin was eliminated from the Brier. He was, by far, my favorite guy in there. I was hoping he'd win. But it wasn't to be. He was given the boot by Nova Scotia's Mark Dacey in the quarterfinals. And today, Dacey also met his match in the semis.
Last night, Quebec ran out of gas towards the end of their game to first place team Ontario's Glenn Howard in the "1 vs 2" page playoff game. So Quebec dropped down to play Dacey. The winner gets to take a stab at Ontario in the final match on Sunday.
Quebec roared out of the gates, going up 5-1 after the first three ends. It looked like they'd just steamroll thier way into the finals... but Dacey finally decided not to suck, and made a game of it.
Came down the last end, last rock. Quebec was up by two, Dacey needed to steal a pair in the tenth. No easy task. Obviously not easy enough for Dacey, because he blew it. He did, however, manage to steal one... but that wasn't enough. Quebec wins it, 7-6. They'll get another shot at Howard on Sunday.
See, I told you that all those Quebec fans had nothing to worry about.
A few days ago, I was pretty pissed that Kevin Martin was eliminated from the Brier. He was, by far, my favorite guy in there. I was hoping he'd win. But it wasn't to be. He was given the boot by Nova Scotia's Mark Dacey in the quarterfinals. And today, Dacey also met his match in the semis.
Last night, Quebec ran out of gas towards the end of their game to first place team Ontario's Glenn Howard in the "1 vs 2" page playoff game. So Quebec dropped down to play Dacey. The winner gets to take a stab at Ontario in the final match on Sunday.
Quebec roared out of the gates, going up 5-1 after the first three ends. It looked like they'd just steamroll thier way into the finals... but Dacey finally decided not to suck, and made a game of it.
Came down the last end, last rock. Quebec was up by two, Dacey needed to steal a pair in the tenth. No easy task. Obviously not easy enough for Dacey, because he blew it. He did, however, manage to steal one... but that wasn't enough. Quebec wins it, 7-6. They'll get another shot at Howard on Sunday.
See, I told you that all those Quebec fans had nothing to worry about.
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Fortress Customer Experience
5:35 PM
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One - Two, Buckle my Shoe
The way the Brier works, is that in the playoffs, one plays two, and three plays four. The winner of the one - two game goes straight to the finals. Loser plays the winner of the three four game, and the winner of THAT goes to the finals too.
Complicated yes, but who cares! That's curling for ya!
So here we go, the one-two game is on the go tonight, featuring first place Ontario, skipped by Glenn Howard, little brother of Olympic gold medalist Russ Howard (played 2nd position for Brad Gushue). Ontario is battling it out with second place Quebec.
Quebec, historically, was never terrific at curling. Of course, they have the hilarious Guy Hemmings with his stylish hair, but they've never been thought of as a curling powerhouse. Personally, I was shocked to hear that Quebec finished 2nd after the round robin.
But Friday night, the held their own against the 10-1 record team Ontario. Ontario started off strong by holding Quebec to one with the hammer in the second end, and then picked up a deuce in the third. But starting with the fifth end, the two teams began trading two point ends. Just when Ontario looked like it was getting some momentum going, Quebec would come and score a deuce. Then Ontario would take it right back. And Quebec would take another two. With the momentum swinging back and forth like this, it seemed that whoever happened to have the hammer in the tenth would win the game.
But in the 9th end, Glenn Howard played a nice tap back on his own rock to score two points, and took a three point lead into the tenth end, which put the game just a little too far out of reach for Quebec. Final score, Ontario 10, Quebec 6.
But Quebec isn't out of the tournament yet. They'll face team Nova Scotia tomorrow for a chance to earn a rematch with Ontario in the Brier finals on Sunday. So don't be too sad, all you Quebec fans... ha! Quebec fans! Yeah right! I almost said it with a straight face.
Complicated yes, but who cares! That's curling for ya!
So here we go, the one-two game is on the go tonight, featuring first place Ontario, skipped by Glenn Howard, little brother of Olympic gold medalist Russ Howard (played 2nd position for Brad Gushue). Ontario is battling it out with second place Quebec.
Quebec, historically, was never terrific at curling. Of course, they have the hilarious Guy Hemmings with his stylish hair, but they've never been thought of as a curling powerhouse. Personally, I was shocked to hear that Quebec finished 2nd after the round robin.
But Friday night, the held their own against the 10-1 record team Ontario. Ontario started off strong by holding Quebec to one with the hammer in the second end, and then picked up a deuce in the third. But starting with the fifth end, the two teams began trading two point ends. Just when Ontario looked like it was getting some momentum going, Quebec would come and score a deuce. Then Ontario would take it right back. And Quebec would take another two. With the momentum swinging back and forth like this, it seemed that whoever happened to have the hammer in the tenth would win the game.
But in the 9th end, Glenn Howard played a nice tap back on his own rock to score two points, and took a three point lead into the tenth end, which put the game just a little too far out of reach for Quebec. Final score, Ontario 10, Quebec 6.
But Quebec isn't out of the tournament yet. They'll face team Nova Scotia tomorrow for a chance to earn a rematch with Ontario in the Brier finals on Sunday. So don't be too sad, all you Quebec fans... ha! Quebec fans! Yeah right! I almost said it with a straight face.
Posted by
Fortress Customer Experience
12:45 AM
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Martin Down!

One of the favorites to win the 2006 Tim Hortons Brier, and by far the fan favorite, Kevin Martin, went down in a blaze of glory in the quarter finals to Nova Scotia's Mark Dacey.
A close game, right down to the bitter end. Martin and his team from Alberta left Dacey a difficult double takeout with his last stone of the tenth end. If he made it, he wins. If he misses, Martin wins. Personally, I thought Martin had it in the bag when I saw the shot that Dacey had to make in order to win it. But hey, Dacey's a great curler and made the shot just right to pick up his two points, and the 6-5 win.
Martin, humble in defeat said with a smile on his face that it was a "great shot, power to him."
But, on a brighter note... Jeff Stoughton is eliminated also. Didn't even make the playoff. Sweet.
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Fortress Customer Experience
11:31 PM
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
March Madness Madness

The college basketball playoffs, commonly known as March Madness started today... with a bang. Well, they thought it might, so they delayed the start of one of the games.
See, a bomb sniffing dog at the game thought he smelled a bit of gun powder. Who ever would've suspected that it would be the licensed pyrotechnics that were arranged to go off during the opening ceremonies. But, in true American fashion, as soon as that dogs ears perked up, they had that stadium emptied faster than George Bush can say "Yeeeee haaaaa!"
After searching the stadium and discovering that yes, it was only the pyrotechnics, everything went ahead as normal. Woo.
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Fortress Customer Experience
8:39 PM
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Lottos and Rollable Rims

Pretty much everyone has heard of that school in Montreal where some students' parents are fighting over a Tim Horton's cup. For those of you who don't know about it... here it is in a nutshell:
Teacher throws a Tim Hortons "Roll up the rim to win" cup in the garbage
Young student finds cup, has difficulty rolling up rim.
Student asks older friend for help.
The friend rolls up the rim, and the cup wins a car.
Now the parents of the two students are fighting over who owns the car.
Anyways, I was home today from University today because my neck seems to have spontaneously exploded, and I was watching The Price Is Right, and there was a this "breaking news" thing saying that two people down in the states are fighting over a winning lottery ticket. Apparently, one of the two neighbours were going out shopping, and asked the other if they wanted them to pick anything up for them while they were out. She was like "nah, just a lotto ticket." So anyways, the neighbour went out and bought two lotto tickets (one for each of them) and gave one to her friend. Then one of the women (not sure which one) had a winning ticket, and now the other says that she should split it with her because she could have just as easily had that ticket instead, and it may possibly have been her dollar that paid for that particular ticket.
Oh my, people are so complainy. So many "what if"s, "maybe"s, and "should've"s... I always thought the lottery was supposed to be just random luck.
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Fortress Customer Experience
2:33 PM
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Family Guy Inspiration
Family Guy is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for FOX in 1999. The show was cancelled in 2002, but positive response to the show's release on DVD and reruns on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim led FOX to resume production of the show in 2005, unfortunatly, on a much less funier scale.
But either way, ladies and gentlemen... I give the inspiration behind the show's central character:

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Fortress Customer Experience
7:20 PM
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Who's The Man? Not you!
For those of you who don't know, my mom is obsessed with the TV show Law and Order. She watches every episode of every spin off, at least once. So there have been a lot of court cases and judges on my television, but the Saddam trial is definatly the most interesting one yet!
Saddam started making a big mess of things when he took the stand today and starting rallying the Iraqis to stand up to the American invasion. He said, in his native language, "I call on the people to start resisting the invaders instead of killing each other." Then the judge jumped in and started telling Saddam "Don't make a political speech. Now you are a defendant."
Apparently somebody forgot to tell Saddam that he isn't the leader of Iraq! He then went on arguing that it IS politics and he's the head of the state, blah blah blah. The judge informed him that he's NOT the head of the state, but a former dictator. Anyways, the arguing went on and on, and after 35, the judge ordered the microphones to be shut off and a media blackout.
Ya know, it looks really bad when important people seem to know so little about seemingly obvious things... like who they or where they are. Between Saddam not knowing that he was no longer the president, and Paul McCartney not knowing he was in PEI, I suddenly don't feel all that dumb anymore.
Saddam started making a big mess of things when he took the stand today and starting rallying the Iraqis to stand up to the American invasion. He said, in his native language, "I call on the people to start resisting the invaders instead of killing each other." Then the judge jumped in and started telling Saddam "Don't make a political speech. Now you are a defendant."
Apparently somebody forgot to tell Saddam that he isn't the leader of Iraq! He then went on arguing that it IS politics and he's the head of the state, blah blah blah. The judge informed him that he's NOT the head of the state, but a former dictator. Anyways, the arguing went on and on, and after 35, the judge ordered the microphones to be shut off and a media blackout.
Ya know, it looks really bad when important people seem to know so little about seemingly obvious things... like who they or where they are. Between Saddam not knowing that he was no longer the president, and Paul McCartney not knowing he was in PEI, I suddenly don't feel all that dumb anymore.
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Fortress Customer Experience
2:34 PM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Simmons Smushes Stoughton
Jeff Stoughton is hated by many, especially Newfoundlanders, after his comments about Brad Gushue's team at the Olympic trials. Stoughton said that it was a pretty tough field, except for the Newfoundland team, who apparently "don't have a shot." Hmm.. that's odd. I seem to remember Brad Gushue beating Jeff Stoughton in the round robin and again in the finals... and then going on to win an olympic gold medal. Yes, yes I think that's true.
Anyways, this Stoughton fella decided to poke his head up again at the Tim Hortons Brier, and was doing well. He was first place after defeating Kevin Martin of Alberta, and was a perfect 4-0. That was, until he played LAST PLACE Saskatchewan, who was 0-4.
Here's how the first few ends went.
First: Sask steals 2
Second: Sask steals 3
Third: Sask steals 1
So yeah, to make a long story short, Stoughton was eating ass to the delight of many Newfoundland curling fans and the Saskatchewan home town crowd. Final score, 8-3,Sask.
Anyways, this Stoughton fella decided to poke his head up again at the Tim Hortons Brier, and was doing well. He was first place after defeating Kevin Martin of Alberta, and was a perfect 4-0. That was, until he played LAST PLACE Saskatchewan, who was 0-4.
Here's how the first few ends went.
First: Sask steals 2
Second: Sask steals 3
Third: Sask steals 1
So yeah, to make a long story short, Stoughton was eating ass to the delight of many Newfoundland curling fans and the Saskatchewan home town crowd. Final score, 8-3,Sask.
Posted by
Fortress Customer Experience
7:57 AM
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Monday, March 13, 2006
I Heart Buttons
Paul McCartney has really lost a lot of Newfoundland fans in the past month or so due to his protesting of the seal hunt and taking false facts on national television and allowing his wife to make a complete ass of anything even related to the human species. And to show her affection, a St. John's woman has started making buttons in honor of Sir Paul.
If you're one of those slow people who don't get it yet, that's not a clover... it's a club... like from a deck of cards? I laughed when I saw it in the paper today. Very clever.

If you're one of those slow people who don't get it yet, that's not a clover... it's a club... like from a deck of cards? I laughed when I saw it in the paper today. Very clever.
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Fortress Customer Experience
8:14 PM
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Who Wants to be a Liberal Leader?

Now, I don't think anybody would expect somebody to pay up, neither did Rick Mercer. But now he's sweating a bit, after he realizes that he has to pay Ebay a percent of the final value, regardless of whether the winning bidder pays up or not. You do the math. 5% of $15 000 000. That's seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars that Rick Mercer has to cough up for his prank. Don't worry Rick, I still think it's pretty funny.
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Fortress Customer Experience
2:37 PM
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Brier it Up

After thinking he was cool and "hip" he decided to shave off his lucky moustache last year, and all his curling ability went down the drain with it. He got hammered in the Olympics trials in Halifax last December, and lost the provincial playdowns in Alberta for the first time in a long time. Instead, Kevin Martin will be that provinces representative. Kevin Martin is everything Ferbey is not: a nice guy, a legendary curler, an Olympic medalist, a heterosexual... ok, I made that last one up.
On a sadder note, Newfoundland's newest celebrity, Brad Gushue, won't be attending. He was too busy winning a gold medal in Torino to play in the Newfoundland provincial playdowns, so this year everybody else in Newfoundland got a chance to win. Ken Peddigrew will be the one from Newfoundland this year.
The final will be next Sunday, March 19th, at 6:00 PM eastern time. Check it out.
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Fortress Customer Experience
12:13 PM
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Are They Really Reading?

University profs... how many of them actually read those papers that we put so much time and effort into? My english prof today admits that sometimes he reads just the introduction and concluding paragraphs, and bases the mark on that. However he promised us that our recently submitted ones were fully read, which I believe, because there were a few red scribbles across the page.
But the one that really got me thinking of whether they read them at all, is my Religious Studies prof. We got back our midterm essays today, and not a mark on them. Simple a "B+" written on the cover. No number, just a "B+". No comments, no check marks, no circled gramatical errors, nothing. Which is really interesting considering we were supposed to "outline a problem presented in a Biblical passage and use three pieces of literature discussed in class to help explain a solution to this problem."
Now, because those "pieces of literature discussed in class" are the most boring pieces of crap I'd ever laid eyes on, I did not pay attention to them, let alone memorize them. I could half remmeber one of them, so I wrote on that, and then completely made up two others. Yet, there were no comments written on my paper saying "what is this?!" or "we did not study that!" or "Charles Dickens never wrote a book about Moses!"
So, did he read it? What do you think?
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Fortress Customer Experience
10:43 PM
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Trade Deadline... *yawn*
Besides Jose Theodore getting traded to Colorado, this was probably the lamest NHL trade deadlines ever. Sure it's way earlier this year so people are still wondering if maybe they have a shot at the playoffs, so they're not too keen on tearing apart their team for draft picks and younger guys... they just want to keep what they have and see if they can squeeze a few more wins out of the season and make the playoffs. And those teams who already have a top spot locked up, like Carolina, obviously won't want to mess with their team chemistry right before the post season.
Looks like Belfore is stickin with Toronto for a while yet, and Bertuzzi won't be able to leave Vancouver... but yeah, this is hardly interesting.
So... how 'bout them Panthers? Luongo... Nieuwndyk... Bouwmeester... Jokinen? I smell one hell of a team in a season or two!
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Looks like Belfore is stickin with Toronto for a while yet, and Bertuzzi won't be able to leave Vancouver... but yeah, this is hardly interesting.
So... how 'bout them Panthers? Luongo... Nieuwndyk... Bouwmeester... Jokinen? I smell one hell of a team in a season or two!
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Fortress Customer Experience
6:12 PM
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Man, I feel like a sandwhich!
Sitting in the coffee shop this morning, Chris started singing "Man, I Feel LIke A Woman" for some reason. Then Ginny went to get a sandwhich... and Chris got a brilliant idea... to change "Woman" to "sandwhich". Anyways, one thing lead to another, and a classic was born. Well, he made up a few more lines to the song, each one hilarious, and yeah... that's that.
So, while we got sandwhiches on the mind, here's some pictures of sandwhiches:

Here is how to make one of these masterpieces:
1. Go to the frige
2. Take out some lettuce, tomato, various deli meats, and anything else you want to put on your sandwhich (pickels, mayo, ketchup, milk, etc).
3. Then get some bread. (preferably two slices)
4. Put the stuff you got from the frige in between the two (or more) pieces of bread, and then put 'em together.
5. Eat it.
And that's that. Enjoy.
So, while we got sandwhiches on the mind, here's some pictures of sandwhiches:

Here is how to make one of these masterpieces:
1. Go to the frige
2. Take out some lettuce, tomato, various deli meats, and anything else you want to put on your sandwhich (pickels, mayo, ketchup, milk, etc).
3. Then get some bread. (preferably two slices)
4. Put the stuff you got from the frige in between the two (or more) pieces of bread, and then put 'em together.
5. Eat it.
And that's that. Enjoy.
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Fortress Customer Experience
9:29 AM
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Gushue Street

If you think winning an olympic gold medal is cool, how about winning an Olympic gold medal and then getting a street and a highway named after you! That's what's happening for Olympic gold medalist Brad Gushue and his team. A new subdivision in St. John's will have a main road called "Gold Medal Road", with five streets branching off of it named in honor of the five members: Brad Gushue, Mark Nichols, Russ Howard, Jamie Korab, and Mike Adam. In addition to these streets being named after them, Premier Danny Williams announced that the team will also have a newly constructed highway named in their honor.
But wait! That's not all! The five members of the team, and coach Toby MacDonald, are all being nominated for the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador. Williams also announced plans to establish an annual scholarship under the Premier's Athletic Awards. And while Brad Gushue and the team sat around the Cabinet Table, Williams also indicated a separate initiative will take place in Labrador.
Man, who would've known that being a curler would get you so much attention? The irony here, that the five most hard-core curlers on the planet, a species that a couple months ago were shunned by most people, are now local heros and the most popular people in recent memory.
But, don't forget... as Jamie pointed out, the key to their victory was that guard in the fourth end.
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Fortress Customer Experience
5:36 PM
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Monday, March 06, 2006
Local Snooze, ahem, I means... News
My Lord! St. John's has no local news! Friggin CBC gave into the whiney and complaining old men of Newfoundland there back in September and brought back the one hour of local news... which sounds like a good idea, except for one problem... hearing the weather three times, getting "behind the scenes" views of tomorrow's news story, and see Carl, Debbie, and Jonothan sitting on a couch making small talk is not news! I liked it the way it was before. Half an hour of local news... half an hour of national and international news. It's painfully difficult to find an hours worth of interesting Newfoundland news. Key word there is "interesting". Sure anybody can fill up an hour with the crap they pull out, but who wants to watch that? They're better off with their half hour of the top local stories, and then move on see what happened in the rest of the country and the world... which, chances are, is much more interesting.
Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "well hey, this article isn't news either." Well, see... to you, I say... Bite me. At least I'll throw in a cool picture. Such as this:

Yes, that is Paul McCartney, being eaten by a seal. If you don't understand the irony of this, read my first article... and if you still don't get it, then just got to bed out of it.
Well, that's it for now. Check back later on for more of news... or just things.
Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "well hey, this article isn't news either." Well, see... to you, I say... Bite me. At least I'll throw in a cool picture. Such as this:

Yes, that is Paul McCartney, being eaten by a seal. If you don't understand the irony of this, read my first article... and if you still don't get it, then just got to bed out of it.
Well, that's it for now. Check back later on for more of news... or just things.
Posted by
Fortress Customer Experience
7:08 PM
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Sunday, March 05, 2006
Great Scott! Scott wins the Scott!

She had the best team through the round robin, and downed the million time Canadian champion Colleen Jones in the semi-finals, before arriving at Sunday's final match. Which, she won. She almost threw the game away when her team missed a pile of shots in the 9th and 10th end, but managed to desperately cling to the lead and ended up winning it by a score of 7 - 6 .
So Kelly Scott may be the best woman curler... but no the best looking curler by any means. That title would go to the woman she beat, Jennifer Jones, who won the Scott last year in St. John's.

That's her over there in the red and white jacket. The winner of the Scott always comes back the next year with a red and white jacket as "Team Canada" and competes against the ten provincial champions and a team representing the territories.
I think Jenny Jones' team was really the crowd favorite all through the round robin... perhaps because they're good curlers, but honestly... I think most people just wanted to see more of her. It's great for TV ratings. Don't call me pig headed or nothing yet. Just think about it. Somebody flicking through the channels who isn't necessarily interested in curling would probably pass on by the channel if they saw the stereotypical old gross curling lady throwing a rock and yelling like a banshee. But now, if they see hottie Jennifer Jones throwing a rock... they may stick around and watch a bit of the game. It's good for the game of curling, it's good for the sponsors, and hell, it's good for the viewers! Which is why it's pretty unfortunate that Jen lost the game and won't be able to represent Canada at the worlds. Oh well. Enough about curling.
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Fortress Customer Experience
5:43 PM
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Welcome to Club Seals!
Ok, first off... I don't necessarily hate seals or support "inhumanly" killing anything... but hearing the McCartney's on Larry King the other night just pissed me off so badly, so just out of spite, I will start a blog called Club Seals. You can take it as just a call to go out and club yourself so baby seals, or maybe it's just the name of a dance club... yeah, maybe that's all it is. Either way, bite this Paul!
So... what should my first post be about... well how about that stupid "debate" between Danny Williams and the McCartneys that I mentioned. It was about as just of a debate as trying to explain something to a three year old who plugs their ears while chanting "nah nah nah, I'm not listening!" Those childish, snobby, attention craving pop stars exposed how little they know about the seal hunt and how it works. They proved, not that the sealers are cruel people, but that the McCartneys are one-tracked minded people who will listen to everything you say if you love animals, and won't listen to anything you say (regardless of how sensible you may be) if you support the seal hunt.
Does he actually care about the seals? Maybe, but I'd say he cares more about people thinking he's a good person saving the world. Worked for Bono from U2. He's well known not only for her music, but for helping people. Yes, people. Not seals. See, Paul is actually trying to undo Bono's work. Bono is trying to eliminate poverty and help feeding starving people. Paul is trying to end the seal hunt, which would eliminate seal meat and the increased seal population would lower (if not cause the extinction of) the cod population, as a result... less food, more starving people! "Food chain" Paul, it's there for a reason!
And, looky what I found!

Ok, ok, so maybe I photoshopped that. But hey, ain't that funny?
So... what should my first post be about... well how about that stupid "debate" between Danny Williams and the McCartneys that I mentioned. It was about as just of a debate as trying to explain something to a three year old who plugs their ears while chanting "nah nah nah, I'm not listening!" Those childish, snobby, attention craving pop stars exposed how little they know about the seal hunt and how it works. They proved, not that the sealers are cruel people, but that the McCartneys are one-tracked minded people who will listen to everything you say if you love animals, and won't listen to anything you say (regardless of how sensible you may be) if you support the seal hunt.
Does he actually care about the seals? Maybe, but I'd say he cares more about people thinking he's a good person saving the world. Worked for Bono from U2. He's well known not only for her music, but for helping people. Yes, people. Not seals. See, Paul is actually trying to undo Bono's work. Bono is trying to eliminate poverty and help feeding starving people. Paul is trying to end the seal hunt, which would eliminate seal meat and the increased seal population would lower (if not cause the extinction of) the cod population, as a result... less food, more starving people! "Food chain" Paul, it's there for a reason!
And, looky what I found!

Ok, ok, so maybe I photoshopped that. But hey, ain't that funny?
Posted by
Fortress Customer Experience
3:30 PM
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