Looks like Newfoundland is going to get a lot more artsy-fartsy and a lot more cultured. As if The Rooms and all this crap the CBC has on isn't enough culture for us already. Danny Williams announced yesterday that they government would be spending 17.5 MILLION dollars on art and culture. Yes, that's right. This, a province in debt, and we're going to spend money on painting easles, restoring broken water jugs from the 15th century, bongo drums, and people stalking around a dim lit room with a blanket over their head trying to be "symbolic". If culture was that important and valued by the community, then it wouldn't need all this government funding to survive. If people liked the culture and whatnot, they'd keep it going themselves. Like Dr. Ian Malcolm said in Jurassic Park, "they had their shot, but nature selected them for extinction." Why waste so much money trying to bring it back?
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