Last night was his second show at Mile One stadium. Another sold out show, cept this time people had to endure Canadian Idol winner Melissa O'Neil for a bit too. She played some mixture of screaming, and baby sounding songs... and then, to the delight of the 6000 people in the stadium, Rex made his entrance to the stage... to the sound of, none other than, the Imperial March. After playing some of his own songs, and a few classics like "Turn The Page", by Bob Seger, and "No Suger Tonight", by The Guess Who, he left the stage... assuming the night was over. Then, in a panic, he rushed back, and exclaimed, "Woah, wait a minute b'ys, we forgot to sing the ode to Newfoundland. Can't be forgetting that. This is a hockey stadium, afterall."
So, although Melissa was painful to listen to at times, and Rex's little stories from living around the bay he threw in between songs were a bit hard to comprehend through his accent, it wasn't all that terrible. It's good to see that Rex didn't sell out to the pop industry and stuck with good ol' rock. I still don't understand why he's so sexy though...

I laughed a little when they came back for Rex's set, one changed into an AD-DC shirt, another into one with a skull and cross bones. Yarr... now they be hardcore.
you don't have to be a pirate to be hardcore :P
Oh yes you do. Well, it helps.
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