Heather Mills McCartney, possibly the dumbest human on the face of the earth, has come up with another great idea: stop drinking milk. I don't know what her reasoning behind it is (hopefully it's better than her anti-sealing argument) but chances are, 99% of people are going to strongly disagree with her. Milk is absolutely important to a healthy lifestyle. Ask anyone with osteoporosis if they wish they drank more milk as a kid. They will say yes. If Heather gets her way, all the kids who fall down at the playground will have their bones shatter like glass. Oh I think so. I wonder if she knows that those cute little fluffy white baby seals drink milk all the time. But does she ask them to stop? Nope, beacuse she thinks that animals are more important than humans. Besides, if we didn't take milk from the cows, we'd just kill 'em all and eat them as steak and/or hamburgers. Maybe she would rather that? See, the dairy famers are actually just trying to save the lives of those cows by giving them a reason to keep them alive. But, if she really wants us to kill them, that's fine with me. I like steak better than milk anyways. Except on my cereal.
hello dearie...
many vegetarians (or should i say "pseudo"?) are just pricks with a knack for being faaashionable! milking a cow is not deleterious to her, on the contrary, we do her a favor (same applies to goats, sheeps, etc.). milk is good for you, unless you have a serious allergy or intollerance.
i can tell you that out here in the forest we would be lucky to find even just a small glass of milk. life is tough in the forest...
baba-yagas sometimes tempt you with poisoned milk, just to starve you or to protect their resources, but i think i have found a way to outsmart them: i stole a good goat from the last one that pestered me. it's a nice goat, and not only for the wonderful cheese i can squeeze out of her, but because when i drink her milk i seem to be able to see through things (and spot evil yagas).
maybe the lady is a yaga after all?
good day to you, my friend!
[and if you see the seven-headed serpent, just give me a call: i love chopping them off! :))]
Oh... that was weird.
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