My Lord! St. John's has no local news! Friggin CBC gave into the whiney and complaining old men of Newfoundland there back in September and brought back the one hour of local news... which sounds like a good idea, except for one problem... hearing the weather three times, getting "behind the scenes" views of tomorrow's news story, and see Carl, Debbie, and Jonothan sitting on a couch making small talk is
not news! I liked it the way it was before. Half an hour of local news... half an hour of national and international news. It's painfully difficult to find an hours worth of interesting Newfoundland news. Key word there is "interesting". Sure anybody can fill up an hour with the crap they pull out, but who wants to watch that? They're better off with their half hour of the top local stories, and then move on see what happened in the rest of the country and the world... which, chances are, is much more interesting.
Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "well hey, this article isn't news either." Well, see... to you, I say... Bite me. At least I'll throw in a cool picture. Such as this:

Yes, that is Paul McCartney, being eaten by a seal. If you don't understand the irony of this, read my first article... and if you still don't get it, then just got to bed out of it.
Well, that's it for now. Check back later on for more of news... or just things.
1 comment:
Morning TV shows in Australia are a bit like that - rather than show news news like they used to (which might be from other countries :O) they have lots of interviews and chit-chat and it's all rather boring. The fill up one half-hour of local news in the evening with stuff you don't really need to know either.
Cool blog btw
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