So... what should my first post be about... well how about that stupid "debate" between Danny Williams and the McCartneys that I mentioned. It was about as just of a debate as trying to explain something to a three year old who plugs their ears while chanting "nah nah nah, I'm not listening!" Those childish, snobby, attention craving pop stars exposed how little they know about the seal hunt and how it works. They proved, not that the sealers are cruel people, but that the McCartneys are one-tracked minded people who will listen to everything you say if you love animals, and won't listen to anything you say (regardless of how sensible you may be) if you support the seal hunt.
Does he actually care about the seals? Maybe, but I'd say he cares more about people thinking he's a good person saving the world. Worked for Bono from U2. He's well known not only for her music, but for helping people. Yes, people. Not seals. See, Paul is actually trying to undo Bono's work. Bono is trying to eliminate poverty and help feeding starving people. Paul is trying to end the seal hunt, which would eliminate seal meat and the increased seal population would lower (if not cause the extinction of) the cod population, as a result... less food, more starving people! "Food chain" Paul, it's there for a reason!
And, looky what I found!

Ok, ok, so maybe I photoshopped that. But hey, ain't that funny?
That's sick, your clubbing another living creature for shear sport! you should be gagged for your shameful acts.
If Jesus was alive to day I'm sure he'd endource clubbing seals.
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