University profs... how many of them actually read those papers that we put so much time and effort into? My english prof today admits that sometimes he reads just the introduction and concluding paragraphs, and bases the mark on that. However he promised us that our recently submitted ones were fully read, which I believe, because there were a few red scribbles across the page.
But the one that really got me thinking of whether they read them at all, is my Religious Studies prof. We got back our midterm essays today, and not a mark on them. Simple a "B+" written on the cover. No number, just a "B+". No comments, no check marks, no circled gramatical errors, nothing. Which is really interesting considering we were supposed to "outline a problem presented in a Biblical passage and use three pieces of literature discussed in class to help explain a solution to this problem."
Now, because those "pieces of literature discussed in class" are the most boring pieces of crap I'd ever laid eyes on, I did not pay attention to them, let alone memorize them. I could half remmeber one of them, so I wrote on that, and then completely made up two others. Yet, there were no comments written on my paper saying "what is this?!" or "we did not study that!" or "Charles Dickens never wrote a book about Moses!"
So, did he read it? What do you think?
Yeah my feelings on religious studies courses is well documented. They really are a useless bunch and fall below "folklore major" on the totem pole of acedemia. This guy however is a bad teacher in an already poor group. If I were you I'd love to call "bullshit" on him... but that would probably get you a lower mark.
Loose/loose b'y
Well I certainly don't want a lower mark. I'm just saying, if I'm gonna get a certain mark regardless of what I write, why put in so much effort on putting together a decent essay.
depends what prof you get some take the time and actually read them like my english prof i had now, but last year in english it didn't matter what i wrote, how much, how much time i put into it i still got the same mark every single time, so my theory is some teachers have the students in categories...Davis....thats D name...so....65
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