

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Playoffs for the Fog Devils

I remember watching the Fog Devils' debut game at Mile One Stadium. That overdramatic ceremony and pathetic introduction of "Scorch", the new mascot... with guys climbing down from the rafters on bungee cords and wielding power weapons with laser scopes. Apparently they wanted to shoot poor old Scorch because he escaped from his box. After I saw him, I was getting the same feeling actually. I was really pulling to see the Leaf's mascot, Buddy, return with the new team's logo on it, but no. We had this lame looking cartoon devil for a mascot.

But the mascot wasn't the only downer with the beginning of this new team. They also lost 8 of their first 9 games. After winning that first game at home, everyone thought, "hey maybe these guys will be good." But then everyone lost hope and lost interest when they lost the next 8 game after that. Then, after winning a second game, went on another 5 game losing skid.

But, despite it all, they managed to scrape their way into the playoffs, and are facing a team in the first round who they did decently well against all season long.

So, despite the bad team name, bad logo, bad mascot, atrocious record for the first couple months... this team ain't all that bad after all. They start to grow on you I guess... kinda like cancer.


Anonymous said...

i never liked those jerks.
or cancer...

Anonymous said...

^^^anonymous=Ginny. Ginny=cool therefore anonymous=cool.

Fortress Customer Experience said...

I sure hate math... but your comment seems to make plenty of sense to me.

And yes, cancer's a drag.

Anonymous said...

The logo looks great