Beans, a food that is famous for giving people gas, may now have a chance to change it's reputation. Researchers in Venezuala claim to have found to way to make, as they call then, "fart-free beans".
Beans have a coating on them that is not digested in the stomach, and certain bacteria in the large intestine eat the remains of these coatings, producing a gas which is released from the body as flatulance. The researches say that by cooking the beans in a solution containing these bacteria would remove the coating before the beans are eaten, and as a result, eliminating all the farting.
It's great to see that the medical researchers are on top of things. Well that's a load off my mind. I can sleep easy now knowing that they've found a cure for farting. All right boys, next thing on the list... cancer? Nah, skip that one. AIDS? Maybe later. I got it! Let's get rid of sneezes! Who knows how many people will die from that this year!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Beans, Beans are Good For Your Heart
Posted by
Fortress Customer Experience
4:33 PM
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Man you got to get over this cooking stage you're going through. I'm happy they've made fartproof beans, Cheryl has taken a liking to them lately.
Yeah, but researchers must have something better to do than that...there are larger problems plagueing this world than beans. We need to find cures for diseases, stop extreme poverty, and find something to cook Bush in to get rid of that thick coating of dumbass he's covered in. Then again, if you cooked him in somthing to get rid of dumbass, he'd probably just melt away to nothing. What a tragic loss that would be...
If that's the case, then they should REALLY hop to it and find that thing to melt away dumbass. That would solve a lot of the world's problems.
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