They've made up watch people take vacations, build houses, paint a wall, plan their wedding, go on blind dates, dance around, and get their hair cut. All the while, the viewers sit at home watching other people's lives instead of going out and doing something themselves.
But nothing, ever, comes close to the lamest new reality show. Think of something you could see every day. Something that your mother has done in your house each and every day since the day you came home from the hospital. Something that you would potentially die without. Cooking. Yes, cooking. But not just any kind of cooking. A washed up, forgotten celebrity cooking. So if you've ever wondered what somebody looks like when they cook, and you're too lazy to walk to the kitchen to watch, have no fear. The television people had the bright idea of recording it for your convenience! How clever.
The only difference between watching celebrities cook and watching your mother cook, is that you don't get to eat any of the celebrity's food. Just watch them cook it. How thrilling.
Yet people watch this crap, so they will continue to make this crap. Just take any random household chore, slap a celebrity into it, and make it into a compitition, and then BAM! Every trendy wanna-be "cool" kid will watch it. Mark my words: keep an eye out for the celebrity bubble bath challenge.
You and i could make a better tv show than that. Perhaps we will...
Reality tv hurts me. Physical pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, then my limbs start falling off...
Celebrities should all be shot. ALLLL of them. They do no good, they're a bunch of idiots, they do the most ridiculous things ever*cough*Tom Cruise*cough*,and they end up washed up and doing stupid-ass reality shows and playing game shows for charity. They can't do well on jeopardy. They're stupid, that's why they're clebrities. Anyway, i'm done ranting. I say we start an anti reality tv coalition.
It might do the world some good.
Ken Jennings is a celebrity, and he did excellent on Jeopardy. Mostly because that's where he became a celebrity... but yes, he's a very special case of an awesome celebrity. As is Mitch Hederg.
Agreed. There are a small few. Mostly I mean dumbass movie and TV stars.
No one makes you watch any of it. The idiot box comes with an off switch.
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