

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Red Bull Energy Drink Sued

Popular energy drink, Red Bull, is being sued by a man who claims he was mislead by the company's slogan. He apparently took the slogan, "Red Bull gives you wings" a little too seriously, and after chugging a can of the drink, he hurled himself out of his apartment window and was shocked at the fact that he did not fly, as the cartoons on the commercials did.

How dumb is the world getting when a cartoon man cannot sprout wings and fly around without a "Warning, do not try this at home" message flashing up on the screen. Where does misleading information from a company end, and just plain stupidity from the consumer start? I would say that in this case, the consumer was miles over that line. Every little kids knows that if you do what cartoons do, nothing good can happen. Imagine if little kids thought that they could run halfway across a canyon without falling in, like Wild. E. Coyote in the Roadrunner cartoons? It is absolutely ridiculous for people to actually expect a drink to make you grow wings and be able to fly. If I were the judge in this lawsuit case, I would award the guy no money, but give him sixty eight punches in the face for being stupid.

Despite the extreme probability of this guy actually winning his case, Red Bull has launched a new ad campaign which actually includes a warning, mostly as a joke, but also to stop any other morons from attempting this stunt.


Anonymous said...

Damn that guy is stupid!!!!!!!
Anyway, I love Red Bull!!!
Did you know that Red Bull comes from Austria?

Anonymous said...

i cant beelieve that guy. he shouldnt deserve to be drinking red bull if he is gonna sue them

Anonymous said...

red bull gives you broken bones!!!

Anonymous said...

that man is an idiot...i drink red bull every day and havent sprouted any wings...that guy should be locked up for being a dumbass.