Baigent and Leigh thought that Brown should be paying them royalties because of their book "The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail", another novel which deals with Jesus. Two novels that deal with the most known person in basically all of history, the guy who divided history into "before" and "after"... yeah I'm sure that Brown really copied off those guys. I mean, where in the world else could he have come up with the idea of Jesus? Note the sarcasm.
Dan Brown's publishing company, Random House, called the case a "joke" saying that it would be a sad day for literature when authors can't be inspired by other works and expand on ideas of past writers. Well, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing afterall. If that damn Rowling lady didn't mutilate The Lord of the Rings, then we wouldn't have those horrid Harry Potter books and movies.
We finally disagree on something. Harry Potter is the greatest. Anyone who can get millions of people to start reading, who may not have started, gets full marks in my books. Incredible stories for young and old alike.
Meh, I guess everyone can have their opinions on whether a book is good or not... all I'm saying is that if those two guys actually won their case against Dan Brown, then J. R. R. Tolkien (or whoever represents him now) could sue the ass off of Rowling.
I don't see the similarity between Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, outside the fact they're two series from the Fantasy genre. If that's the case, you can throw our buddy C.S. Lewis in there with Chronicles of Narnia. I could be missing something, but that's the way I see it.
Keep Lookin Up
No, you're right Rudy. They're just two novels containing similar themes and characters... which, according the two guys who tried to sue Dan Brown, is an infringement of copyright.
Ok, let it be known that from now on, I own the rights to breathing. Thus, anyone who violates this action or comes close to doing so, has to give me a cookie, or the exact dollar amount of one Oreo. That is all.
Keep Lookin Up
I have dibs on the letter "e". You guys all owe me bigtime.
I want a dollar fifty for using the word "the". although, tim's got the letter e, so the last third of my word infringes on his copyright. See ya in court, buddy.
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