Disney's newest teenage brain-washing machine, Hilary Duff, has hopped on the bandwagon in hopes of making headlines and increasing her fame. Duff started off on the Disney show, Lizzy McGuire, but then after they found out that pre-teens will buy ANYTHING that Disney sells with this girl on it, they decided to slap together a few poorly written songs and make a CD. Although she is very untalented and does neither thing well, little teenagers will do anything and buy anything if it's trendy. Which is why it's extremely dangerous and frightening that Hilary Duff is jumping on board with Pam Anderson and Paul McCartney in protest of the seal hunt.
Little junior high kids and the majority of high school kids don't are what's right or wrong. They only care about what their celebrity icons and (shudder) Oprah thinks is right and wrong. Paul McCartney and Pam Anderson aren't really the ones that these kids are really listening to these days, but Hilary Duff... yes, most definitely. It's unfortunate that this girl can hardly spell "seal" and she's already protesting the hunt which she most definitely knows nothing about... and the kids will follow. Hilary Duff has never even been to Newfoundland, yet she seems convinced that the seal hunt is "inhumane" and "barbaric", just like McCartney told her it was.
Duff was schedualed to play at Mile One Stadium in Newfoundland a few months back, but the show was suddenly cancelled due to bad weather. Duff has now said "I am glad that [the concert] ended up being cancelled. I just wouldn't feel right being around people like that."
"People like that"?! Since when does this little priss get to judge everyone in this province based on lies fed to her? As you may have noticed, I am not a Hilary Duff fan, but I didn't like her before all this, just because she's a bad actor and a bad singer. But now that she's had a little bit of time in the spotlight and all of sudden feels all high and mighty, any little respect I had for her is gone.
An internet petition site, www.peititionspot.com , is holding a petition to kick Hilary Duff out of Hollywood. The site calls her "evil" and a "lousy wanna be singer/actress" who is "dangerous to children". Although the petition will probably never actually get her banned from Hollywood, at the very least it will give her bad press and hopefully end her atrocious career.
Does this mean I won't see any 12 year olds playing hop-scotch in seal skin coats anymore?
Keep Lookin Up
I guess not man. Unless the kids have any sense and stand up for their province and stop worshipping Hilary Duff.
**Trapper sneaks into kids bedrom and smashes CDs**
She'll end up doing a Britney and Aguilera and going all skanky.
Oh, she's already skanky. Just, more in private. You know she is. In any case, the next person i hear protesting the seal hunt, i'm clubbin em' to death.
this is hilary duffs number one fan en i think you should be sued so i might tell hilary duff about these comments through fan mail.... hahaha
i am her number one fan en you are her number one idiot.... hahaha
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